Public functions
Return whether the README of library is added or not.
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def get_add_readme(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether the README of library is added or not."""
return self.__readme
Set whether the README of library is added or not.
- readme: (bool) whether the README is added or not.
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def set_add_readme(self, readme: bool) -> NoReturn:
"""Set whether the README of library is added or not.
:param readme: (bool) whether the README is added or not.
self.__readme = bool(readme)
Return the name of the software.
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def get_software(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the software."""
return self.__software
Set a software name.
- name: (str) Name of the documented software
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_software(self, name: str=DEFAULT_SOFTWARE) -> NoReturn:
"""Set a software name.
:param name: (str) Name of the documented software
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__software = name
Return the url of the software.
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def get_url(self) -> str:
"""Return the url of the software."""
return self.__url
Set a software url.
- name: (str) URL of the documented software
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_url(self, name: str='') -> NoReturn:
"""Set a software url.
:param name: (str) URL of the documented software
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.url. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__url = name
Return the copyright of the HTML page.
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def get_copyright(self) -> str:
"""Return the copyright of the HTML page."""
return self.__copyright
Set a copyright text, added to the footer of the page.
- text: (str) Copyright of the documented software
- TypeError: Given text is not a string
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def set_copyright(self, text: str=DEFAULT_COPYRIGHT) -> NoReturn:
"""Set a copyright text, added to the footer of the page.
:param text: (str) Copyright of the documented software
:raises: TypeError: Given text is not a string
if isinstance(text, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.copyright. Got {} instead.".format(text))
self.__copyright = text
Return the icon filename of the software.
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def get_icon(self) -> str:
"""Return the icon filename of the software."""
return self.__icon
Set an icon filename.
- name: (str) Filename of the icon of the documented software
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_icon(self, name: str=DEFAULT_ICON) -> NoReturn:
"""Set an icon filename.
:param name: (str) Filename of the icon of the documented software
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.icon. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__icon = name
Return the title of the HTML page.
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def get_title(self) -> str:
"""Return the title of the HTML page."""
return self.__title
Set a title to the output HTML pages.
- text: (str) Title of the HTML pages
- TypeError: Given text is not a string
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def set_title(self, text: str=DEFAULT_TITLE) -> NoReturn:
"""Set a title to the output HTML pages.
:param text: (str) Title of the HTML pages
:raises: TypeError: Given text is not a string
if isinstance(text, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.title. Got {} instead.".format(text))
self.__title = text
Return the static path of the CSS, JS, etc.
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def get_statics(self) -> str:
"""Return the static path of the CSS, JS, etc."""
return self.__statics
Set the static path of the customs CSS, JS, etc.
- name: (str) Path of the static elements
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_statics(self, name: str=DEFAULT_STATICS) -> NoReturn:
"""Set the static path of the customs CSS, JS, etc.
:param name: (str) Path of the static elements
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.statics. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__statics = name
Return the static path of the CSS, JS, etc. of Whakerexa.
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def get_wexa_statics(self) -> str:
"""Return the static path of the CSS, JS, etc. of Whakerexa. """
return self.__wexa_statics
Set the static path of the customs CSS, JS, etc. of Whakerexa.
- name: (str) Path of the static elements
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_wexa_statics(self, name: str=DEFAULT_WEXA_STATICS) -> NoReturn:
"""Set the static path of the customs CSS, JS, etc. of Whakerexa.
:param name: (str) Path of the static elements
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.wexa_statics. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__wexa_statics = name
Return the favicon filename of the HTML pages.
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def get_favicon(self) -> str:
"""Return the favicon filename of the HTML pages."""
return self.__favicon
Set a favicon to the output HTML pages.
- name: (str) Favicon of the HTML pages
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_favicon(self, name: str=DEFAULT_FAVICON) -> NoReturn:
"""Set a favicon to the output HTML pages.
:param name: (str) Favicon of the HTML pages
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.favicon. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__favicon = name
Return the theme of the HTML page.
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def get_theme(self) -> str:
"""Return the theme of the HTML page."""
return self.__theme
Set a theme name.
- name: (str) Name of the theme of the HTML pages
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_theme(self, name: str=DEFAULT_THEME) -> NoReturn:
"""Set a theme name.
:param name: (str) Name of the theme of the HTML pages
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' for the HTMLDocExport.theme. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__theme = name
Return the name of the next documented class.
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def get_next_class(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the next documented class."""
return self.__next_class
Set the name of the next documented class.
- name: (str|None) Name of the next documented class
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_next_class(self, name: str | None=None) -> NoReturn:
"""Set the name of the next documented class.
:param name: (str|None) Name of the next documented class
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if name is not None and isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' or None for the HTMLDocExport.next_class. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__next_class = name
Return the name of the previous documented class, for the ToC.
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def get_prev_class(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the previous documented class, for the ToC."""
return self.__prev_class
Set the name of the previous documented class.
- name: (str|None) Name of the previous documented class
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_prev_class(self, name: str | None=None) -> NoReturn:
"""Set the name of the previous documented class.
:param name: (str|None) Name of the previous documented class
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if name is not None and isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' or None for the HTMLDocExport.prev_class. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__prev_class = name
Return the name of the next documented module.
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def get_next_module(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the next documented module."""
return self.__next_pack
Set the name of the next documented module.
- name: (str|None) Name of the next documented module
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_next_module(self, name: str | None=None) -> NoReturn:
"""Set the name of the next documented module.
:param name: (str|None) Name of the next documented module
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if name is not None and isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' or None for the HTMLDocExport.next_module. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__next_pack = name
Return the name of the previous documented module, for the ToC.
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def get_prev_module(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the previous documented module, for the ToC."""
return self.__prev_pack
Set the name of the previous documented module.
- name: (str|None) Name of the previous documented module
- TypeError: Given name is not a string
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def set_prev_module(self, name: str | None=None) -> NoReturn:
"""Set the name of the previous documented module.
:param name: (str|None) Name of the previous documented module
:raises: TypeError: Given name is not a string
if name is not None and isinstance(name, (str, bytes)) is False:
raise TypeError("Expected a 'str' or None for the HTMLDocExport.prev_module. Got {} instead.".format(name))
self.__prev_pack = name
Return the HTML 'head' of the page.
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def get_head(self) -> str:
"""Return the HTML 'head' of the page."""
return ExportOptions.HTML_HEAD.format(TITLE=self.__title, FAVICON=self.__favicon, THEME=self.__theme, STATICS=self.__statics, WEXA_STATICS=self.__wexa_statics)
Return the 'header' of the HTML->body of the page.
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def get_header(self) -> str:
"""Return the 'header' of the HTML->body of the page."""
h = list()
h.append(' <header>')
if len(self.__software) > 0:
h.append(' <h1>{SOFTWARE}</h1>'.format(SOFTWARE=self.__software))
if len(self.__icon) > 0:
h.append(' <p><img class="small-logo" src="{STATICS}/{ICON}" alt="Software logo"/></p>'.format(STATICS=self.__statics, ICON=self.__icon))
if len(self.__url) > 0:
h.append(' <p><a class="external-link" href="{URL}">{URL}</a></p>'.format(URL=self.__url))
h.append(' </header>')
return '\n'.join(h)
Return the 'nav' of the HTML->body of the page.
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def get_nav(self) -> str:
"""Return the 'nav' of the HTML->body of the page."""
nav = list()
nav.append('<nav id="nav-book" class="side-nav">')
if self.__software == ExportOptions.DEFAULT_SOFTWARE:
nav.append(' <h1>Documentation</h1>')
nav.append(' <h1>{SOFTWARE}</h1>'.format(SOFTWARE=self.__software))
if len(self.__icon) > 0:
nav.append(' <img class="small-logo center" src="{STATICS}/{ICON}" alt=""/>'.format(STATICS=self.__statics, ICON=self.__icon))
if len(self.__url) > 0:
nav.append(' <p><a class="external-link" href="{URL}">{URL}</a></p>'.format(URL=self.__url))
nav.append(' <ul>')
nav.append(ExportOptions.__nav_link('↵ Prev. Module', self.__prev_pack))
nav.append(ExportOptions.__nav_link('↑ Prev. Class', self.__prev_class))
nav.append(ExportOptions.__nav_link('⌂ Index', 'index.html'))
nav.append(ExportOptions.__nav_link('↓ Next Class', self.__next_class))
nav.append(ExportOptions.__nav_link('↳ Next Module', self.__next_pack))
nav.append(' </ul>')
nav.append(' <h2>Table of Contents</h2>')
nav.append(' <ul id="toc"></ul>')
nav.append(' <hr>')
nav.append(' <p><small>Automatically created</small></p><p><small>by <a class="external-link" href="">ClammingPy</a></small></p>')
return '\n'.join(nav)
Return the 'footer' of the HTML->body of the page.
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def get_footer(self) -> str:
"""Return the 'footer' of the HTML->body of the page."""
return ExportOptions.HTML_FOOTER.format(COPYRIGHT=self.__copyright)